Journal Club


Anna Scalco - Don't throw the baby teeth out with the bathwater: Estimating subadult age using tooth wear in commingled archaeological assemblages

Anthea Cerviero - Brucellosis in an adult female from Fate Bell Rock Shelter, Lower Pecos, Texas (4000–1300 BP)

Chiara Parisi - Developmental anomalies and South American paleopathology: A comparison of block vertebrae and co-occurring axial anomalies among three skeletal samples from the El Brujo archaeological complex of northern coastal Peru

Isabella Brandão de Queiroz - A female Viking warrior confirmed by genomics

Marzia Calaresu - Stressing out in medieval Denmark: An investigation of dental enamel defects and age at death in two medieval Danish cemeteries
Mirka Govoni - A multi analytic investigation of weapon-related injuries in a Late Antiquity necropolis, Mutina, Italy

Alice Nicora - An Iron Age skull with a bone neoplasm from Nilka County, Xinjiang, China

Alice Raimondi - Possible cases of leprosy from the Late Copper Age (3780-3650 cal BC) in Hungary

Irene Laghetto - A review of forensic analysis of dental and maxillofacial skeletal trauma

Jessica Cristina Menghi Sartorio - Multi-analytic study of a probable case of fibrous dysplasia (FD) from certosamonumental cemetery (Bologna, Italy)

Laura Gorello -  Human remains and funerary rites in the phoenician necropolis of Motya (Sicily)

Sally Corazza - A remarkable case of gout in the Imperial Rome: Surgery and diseases in antiquity by osteoarchaeological, paleopathological, and historical perspectives

Stefania Giarrusso - Infant funerary behavior and kinship in Pleistocene hunter-gatherers from Morocco

Carla Vacchi - Leukemia in Ancient Egypt: Earliest case and state‐of‐the‐art techniques for diagnosing generalized osteolytic lesions

Federica De Luca - Maximum length of deciduous dentition as an indicator of age during the first year of life: Methodological validation in a contemporary osteological collection

Lavinia Caffarelli - An osteobiography of a Oaxacan late adolescent female

Michela Borghesi - Osteobiography of a seventh century potter at the Oupan kiln China by osteological and multi isotope approach






Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Chirurgico Specialistiche


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